This is a snapshot taken remotely of part of a room, with emphasis on the bird cage, using a Webcam connected to the Internet. The details of the bird aren't too clear in this photo, so if that is the desired emphasis the cam should be located nearer to the cage, or lenses used in conjunction with the camera to obtain more magnification. However, for the most part, this is a satisfactory method for monitoring activity on the premises in my absence.
The Webcam has been moved to a location nearer to the bird. This picture was taken in artificial light, while the bird was eating. Since the Webcam can still be directed toward almost any point inside the room, this location for attaching it is preferable to the one more distant from the cage.
Unfortunately, the bird died on November 20, 2012. She was only a little over ten years old at the time, and there were no indications of impending death until a few minutes before it occurred. This was a really painful experience.